Spiritual Formation
SOTH is a community of people on a journey of Christian spiritual formation. This is a lifelong process of greater wholeness with God, with others, and with oneself. We see education as a key component of spiritual formation but believe it also encompasses aspects such as spiritual practices, service, worship, play, retreats, music, creation care, engagement with neighbors, justice, relationships, and experiences. Here you will find opportunities for all ages to explore, discover, and grow in faith. All with the goal of deepening our capacity to impact the world with God’s love.
Sunday Morning Adult Spiritual Formation
Advent Bible Study
Begins Sunday, December 8th following Worship
Join us for “The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem” by Adam Hamilton.
Walk along with Mary and Joseph as they journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem through a DVD presentation and discussion.
December 8 – Mary of Nazareth
December 15 – Joseph of Bethlehem
December 22 – From Nazareth to Bethlehem
Children's Ministry
From Generation to Generation
In Worship for “Gathering the Generations,” kids will be invited to join Ms. Sandy up front for Sharing the Story and singing one verse of our Christmas Songs and the Lighting of the Advent Candles. Kids will then be dismissed during the Passing of the Peace. Advent activities will then take place in the Library for the rest of Worship.
Current Study
The First Sunday of Advent – “There’s Room for Every Story”
Singing the first verse of “Away in the Manger”
The Second Sunday of Advent – “God Meets us in Our Fear”
Singing the second verse of “Let Mortal Flesh Keep Silence”
The Third Sunday of Advent – “We Can Choose a Better Way”
Singing the first verse of “God Rest You Merry Gentlemen”
Short practice in the sanctuary right after Worship - bells & singing for the Cantata. Nursery kids welcome.
The Fourth Sunday of Advent – “We See God in Each Other”
Cantata Sunday – No Kids Connection Class
All children are invited to participate in Worship including our Gathering of the Generations & singing the first verse of “The First Noel”, singing and playing Kids Handbells for the Offertory. Families may enjoy the Cantata together in Worship.